BodyFit - Recipe app for Dietary Restrictions
Personal project
Case study
4 min read
A mobile application helps mothers easily find recipes according to a suitable dietary restriction.
The team
Harvey Huynh - Product Designer
Ngoc Tam - UI/UX Designer
Quang Anh - Business Analyst
My role
Market research, user interview, analysis, user journey, user persona, user flow, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing
6 weeks (2024)
Created an end-to-end experiences of two features
This project comes from the topic of a User Experience Essentials course I completed. I had the opportunity to implement the best practices in user experience design and discover users' attitudes and behaviors. I created the end-to-end experiences of two features:
Suggest an appropriate dietary restriction
Find recipes

Explored the market

The rate of mothers who do not meet national recommendations for essential nutrient supplementation is over 50%.
Women contributed more than 80% of the 3,081 discussions about healthy diets, driven by the need to improve the quality of food for their children.
Interviewed 5 users to discover their motivations, needs, and pain points
Based on the desk research results, I chose mothers (ages 18 - 55 in Vietnam) as the target audience.
Research goals: understand how users perceive the dietary restrictions of mothers, map the journey and the key moments for the execution of a specific diet plan, and identify the main pain points and opportunities.
Research focus: understand how users maintain their diets and emotional status, moods, and behaviors.
Research questions: aim to explore user attitudes and behaviors.
Affinity diagram

Affinity mapping for interviews with mothers (ages 18 - 55 in Vietnam)
Focused on clarifying one persona

User persona
Identified the main pain points and opportunities on the user journey

User journey
Unfortunately, my team was reduced from three members to just me
Initially, there were 3 members taking on this project. However, for some personal reasons, the other 2 members were unable to continue working with me.
Due to time and resource constraints, I spent more time researching to narrow down the problems that many participants (3 out of 5) were facing, focus on solutions I could solve quickly, and ensure timely deliverables for this project.
The user didn't have time to diet
Mrs. Tu, A mother needs a dietary restriction that is easy to do and takes less time because she has to spend time taking care of her child and family.
How might we help Mrs. Tu choose a diet that suits her desires and living routines?
Aimed to make the user flow easy to use

User flows
Narrowed down the solutions
I created high-fidelity wireframes for the solutions to realize my ideas and prepare to test with users.
Choose a suitable dietary restriction for the user
Analyze user desires and living routines to recommend the most suitable diet.

Find recipes
The user can easily find recipes divided into 4 main categories: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. In addition, they can add the recipe to their favorites.

The user has difficulty adding recipes to their favorites
Based on usability testing results, despite 3 out of 3 participants being able to add a recipe to their favorites, it took a long time (over 40 seconds).
This feature allows users to add recipes to their favorites list. However, the initial design lacked navigation, making it difficult for users to find the desired recipe.

I added a call to action button to direct users to the search page, which reduced the time to complete the task to under 15 seconds.

Another insight is that after 2 iterations, 100% of participants (5 out of 5) did not use the search tool. So, I need to review its usefulness in the next iteration.

Short time, but learned a lot
It is important to identify the target user group from the beginning to avoid wasting more research time and to be able to expand the target user group with similar motivations, goals, and needs to increase the coverage of products.
I realized that the process of problem discovery and solution finding is a trade-off. I need to prioritize the tasks that are most feasible due to time, people, and technology constraints.
If I have more time, I will study suggestions from user feedback to add features that help them calculate the number of calories they need to consume in a day, providing a clear plan for users' dieting process.
Still interested? Check out more of my work!
Design process
Case study
3 min read